Do I Make ... ? |
Hamburgers |
Related Recipes:
How to make Beefburgers
How to make Porkburgers
To make Hamburgers we are going to follow the basic recipe for making Porkburgers, but make suitable alterations to ensure they taste just perfect..
This recipe is also ideal for using to make fast food
style morning muffins as sold in MacDonald's and KFC
and Hamburgers with gravy - See bottom of page. |
Hamburgers were the original version
of beefburgers, and whilst the name is still used, most
modern people now expect them to have a beef filling.
This is a shame because the pork version if cooked correctly
is extremely tasty.
Making these in China is very easy, easier than beefburgers,
and I doubt you will even know they are pork.
We begin by finding the meat, which is available in any wet market or supermarket. You will find this on one of the stalls that sells home made meatballs. Usually there are three pots of meaty goo: the gray coloured one is minced fish,
and the other two are minced pork. Go for the basic pink one and buy about a pound of it. You will find it is also very cheap.
Again we will stick with the same preparation as the main recipe and make subtle adjustments. Having mixed the patties as given at the top of this page, this time we need to add the traditional Hamburger flavour. I do this by adding diced,
smoked ham, easily obtainable as sausages in China. I cut them first, and then beat them with my Chinese chopper so the result is a pile of small bits. Sprinkle these liberally around the uncooked mixture, and fold in without overworking.
To perfect the taste, I usually add a couple of inches of crumbled, common Chinese sausage, which is very sweet, but this does add that special something to this easy recipe; given there in no minced, sweet-cured pork available. |
Things You'll Need: |
This Hamburger is versatile and can be presented with a range of trimmings to suit your palate.
Picture courtesy http://ts4.mm.bing.net |
Hamburger buns, I use white sliced bread.
Large chopping board.
Chinese chopper or spatula.
Heavy frying pans (Cast iron are best). |
• 1 lb. ground pork (USA for minced pork).
• 1-2 minced scallions (USA for spring onions) or one white onion.
• Optional: raw or blanched diced garlic.
• Smoked, chopped ham to taste.
• Optional: Chinese sweet sausage, crumbled.
• A pinch of sage well spread about.
• 1 tsp. each of salt and pepper
Step 1
Put the meat on a large chopping board and spread it around to form a rectangle. Add the chopped onions to the minced pork, add the garlic (if using), finely diced smoked ham, crumbled Chinese sweet smoked sausage, sage, salt and pepper,
and mix thoroughly without overworking. You may prefer to add a little more pepper, but this comes with experience.
Step 2
Flatten the pork into patties to suit your preference. Mine are usually less than 1/2-inch thick, and I size them to be slightly bigger than the buns or bread I will serve them in.
Note: 'Patties' is American for 'Burgers'.
Cooking Tips:
Step 3
Set stove-top grill or burner to medium-high. Preheat
nonstick frying pan. The pan is at the correct temperature
when a drop of water dances on its surface rather than
sticking to it. Step 4
Add a little oil and place patties in the pan and cook
for 2 to 3 minutes. Step 5
Flip patties and cook for another minute, and then add sliced cheese to the tops of patties if desired. You can buy cheese slices in any good supermarket in China, including 'Kraft' brand. My favourite is thinly sliced Edam cheese, which
I buy in large balls for a pittance. This needs longer cooking than processed cheese slices, I suggest you watch the pan and serve at the moment of perfection. Step 6
Cover pan and allow burgers to cook for a final 2 minutes.
Cook 3 to 4 minutes for well-done burgers.
Step 7
Remove hamburgers from pan and place in hamburger buns; I use normal white sliced bread most of the time. Add condiments and toppings such as ketchup and/or Hellmann's mayonnaise, mustard, sliced tomatoes, lettuce, red onions, and pickles
as per your choice. I like to use the French whole-grain mustard, which has a delicate sour taste that goes well with these burgers, and is not too tart. Things like this mustard, the onion, and garlic, will help to "cut the fat"
as I call it; meaning no heartburn afterwards. Serve with french fries. Variations:
1. Add a rasher of bacon for a
tasty treat. You can cook this at the same time as the
2. Serve with salsa, chilli sauce, and diced capsicums for something completely different.
Breakfast Muffins
These pork based patties are ideal for imitating the
stalwart breakfast muffins as sold in MacDonald's and
KFC. Our recipe is virtually identical to above, except
we are going to add an extra teaspoon of ground black
pepper to the preparatory mix. You can also add a pinch
of ground nutmeg, a little ground ginger, and a hint
of Chinese Ziran powder if you have any of these in
your cupboard. |
Shape the patties to the size of your bread
or buns as before, ensuring you are using a savoury
bread. I prefer to make these patties 1/4 inch
thick and square. They are then ideal to be put
into half a slice of bread and folded over. If
using thinner patties, reduce the secondary cooking
time to suit, as you do not want these to burn.
You can still add the cheese slice if you like,
but do remember to cook an egg and add to the
bread. I simply fry one with the patties, but
ideally you should purchase a shape or metal dish
and shape the egg, preferably poaching it also.
Hamburgers and Gravy
Shape them into 1/4 inch circles about 4 or 5 inches wide. This time we are going add a hint of oil to a wok and once hot, add a crushed clove of garlic or two. Flash-fry and then add the patties, cooking for 30 second each side to seal
them. Now we add a cup of water and return to a simmer only. Once steady we add a couple of teaspoons of chicken bouillon granules and work with the water. Try not to disturb the patties because they could break, and if this looks like
becoming a problem, then remove them for a few minutes and until after the puree is worked into the gravy.
After 5-minutes this should simmer down to a thin gravy, to which we add some tomato puree. If you are using a thin tube, then about 3 inches should be fine. Mix this with the gravy and work in until it is fully blended. Return the patties
if you removed them, cover, and simmer for another 4 minutes, stirring occasionally. Serve on a plate with French fries and a side salad. |
This information is as supplied by ourselves, and ably supported by our friends and various internet portals. In addition we personally wish to thank my Mother for sharing with us all
her excellent culinary skills and basic recipe. |
Chinese Recipes |
Descriptions |