Do I Make ... ? |
Measures |
Most of our recipes use traditional
Imperial measures.
Below we list the most common examples without going
into too much detail - just the information you need.
Note that unless a measure is given differently as specified
in the text of a particular recipe - all measures are
Tablespoons, Dessertspoons, and Teaspoons are precise
measurements, which are level, and may not correspond
to the size of your modern home cutlery. You can buy
exact measures from any good cookery shop, but it is
easier to buy old style traditional British spoons,
which will be of the correct size.This would probably
be the type of cutlery your Grandmother used. |
tbsp |
3 tsp. |
tablespoon. |
96 tsp. = 1 pt. |
teaspoon. |
spk. |
tip of a paring knife |
speck. |
c. |
half a pint |
cup. |
2 gal. |
peck. |
gal. |
8 pt. |
gallon. |
qt. |
2 pt. |
quart. |
pt. |
16 fl oz. |
pint. |
g. |
6 fl oz. |
gill |
lb. |
16 oz. |
pound. |
oz. |
ounce. |
fl oz. |
fluid ounce. |
Time may be saved in writing recipes by using T for
tablespoon and small t for teaspoon.
3 tsp. = 1 tbsp.
2 tbsp. = 1 fl oz.
4 tbsp. = 1/4 c.
8 tbsp. = 1 gill.
2 gill. = 1 c.
1 c. = 1/4 qt.
1 c. = 8 fl oz.
2 c. = 1 pt.
4 c. = 1 qt.
2 pt. = 1 qt.
4 qt. = 1 gall.
8 qt. = 1 pk.
4 tbsp. = 1 wineglass.
9 large eggs = 1 lb.
4 c. flour = 1 lb.
2 c. solid butter = 1 lb.
2 c. gran. sugar = 1 lb.
2 c. milk or water = 1 lb.
2 c. solid meat = 1 lb.
1 tbsp. liquid = 1/2 oz.
4 tbsp. flour = 1 oz.
2 tbsp. sugar = 1 oz.
1 gal. = 4 qt.
1 lb. = 16 oz.
Cube of butter 1 1/4 inch = 1 oz.
1 stick butter = 1/4 lb. |
This information is as supplied by ourselves, and ably
supported by our friends and various internet portals. |
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